The Boker Daily Knives AK1, created in cooperation with the young knifemaker Alex Kremer and Daily Customs, is a versati
Created in cooperation with the young knifemaker Alex Kremer and Daily Customs, the Boker Daily Knives AK1 is a versatil
Daily Customs design, CPM-3V blade and full tang construction - captivating components for unleashed performance!
Beyond limits, just further! New experiences with well-known virtues, derived from exertion, dedication and positive cra
The beauty of duty - conscientious, reliable and always light-footedly tactical. The Boker TDK (Tactical Duty Knife) is
The beauty of duty - conscientious, reliable and always light-footed in everyday life: the Boker EDK (Every Day Duty Kni
One of the most successful knife designers in the world, with a model series as timeless as it is approachable, plus pro
Master meets class, temperament meets passion, form meets perfection. Forms of expression that literally merge in the Bo
While forged razors and the classic wet shave are experiencing a renaissance, genuine broadswords are still rare.